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2007. augusztus 18., szombat

Darts season closing and Jenny's birthday

Last weekend our team had a gathering since darts season is over. (This year we have 2 seasons because of the changed rules, so this first one was like a qualifying for the second season, which luckily starts pretty soon.)
Also one of our teammate had her birthday that weekend so we celebrated that as well.
Our team (the Smokies by the way) went out go-karting first on Saturday afternoon. Piroska said it was lost of fun; the only thing she missed is the screen with the lap time and the speed average.
Since I had training that day I only could join for the BBQ in the evening, which got canceled because of the rain :) Still we had fun at JAM76.
Grace, Piroska, Paul (our captain), Colin and his girlfriend at the go-kart track.

Piroska's playing pool

Jenny with her birthday cake

Almost got my first 180...

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