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2007. május 29., kedd

R&D Dinner

Last week we had an R&D dinner together with some of the PE's from production. The occasion was that one of our engineer will join to the production's PE team as a reinforcement for 3 months. So this was a little farewell dinner for him. Even though everybody was speaking Chinese and I did not really understand them, it was fun! After dinner we went to 'chang ge' /to sing/ to a karaoke bar, where we also played dice.
I only had my phone with me, so picture quality is little bit far from perfect:)
Also if I can figure out how to upload a 3pg file to Youtube, I'll provide some videos as well:)
BTW: sorry for the English language but I don't have time nowadays to translate and I've been writing Hungarian only lately so this is for my 'waiguo de pangyou' in the first place:)

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