

Az alabbi blog tartalma egyes elemekben, nep- illetve munkacsoportokban nemtetszest valthat ki, esetlegesen sokkoloan hathat.
Akinek nem inge, ne vegye magara,
Akinek nem tetszik, huzzon a p.....


2007. szeptember 7., péntek

I had to realize another sad (stupid?) thing regarding internet here in China. I don't know if there is any connection between this action and trying to filter internet data/info/exchange in this country, but I have a feeling that there is a link between...
I don't use myspace too much, and from nowon I will use it even less, but I have some very good friends there, so...
Couple weeks ago when I logged in, Myspace offered that I can use instead of, since it has its local server and the connection would be faster. Well, I tryed. It was slow as hell and of course only available in this fucked up language, so I said,thanx but not.
Today I had no choice any more. is no longer available from China. Nor the other sites. I can only choose between the slow (and probably filtered) with Chinese language only (so first I need to learn this 'writing'), or just not to use it any more.
So thank you very much, whoever is behind this, keep up the good work! Bammeg!

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