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2007. június 21., csütörtök

Avery Dennison - new plant opening

Since no one else was available on Tuesday (basically did not want to go), I had the honored chance to go to Avery Dennison's new plant opening ceremony together with Susan and Billy. This new plant is 'next to' Shanghai (approx.120km). The whole event was 'mei yi se', I would say, but there were quite some special things, so I'm glad I went after all.
On the way there I finally could make a picture of the 'T-Mobile Brigde' :)
Yes we have a bridge in Shanghai which has that very gay magenta color:

Anyway, we arrived around 10:00 a.m. Speeches started around 10:20 and lasted over more than an hour. It was the regular local scenario. Since here all foreign companies 'need the help of the government' to do things (what is good for China, therefore I appreciate this self-protecting behavior, but this is a different issue), all the important local government people were invited as well. This hour and a half was basically about thanking the help to each other: company is glad he could open a new factory, local government is happy about the new workplaces and the extra income. This is all ok, but still there were two strange things I don't know what to think of:
all the speeches were in English (American) and Chinese language: there was always a translator for both sides. So the strange things were:
- when Avery's top manager (or CEO - I'm not sure, so sorry about that) finished his speech, he did not wait to his translator to finish the speech in Chinese, just stepped off the stage. I don't know about the others but for me it seemed at least a little bit impolite.
- everybody was reading its own part. If there is some big occasion, I'd prefer to learn it by heart. Well, probably this opening was not that big thing after all.
- when company's local MD was on stage, despite of being Chinese, he had his speak in English and had another Chinese translator to do the Chinese language part. Well, that is weird. If it was me, it would have been in the other way around.

Well, probably there are some political standing behind all of this. Who knows.

Anyway, I got to see some Chinese traditional stuff as well: before cutting the strip, they had the 'paint the lions' eyes' traditional show.
To cut the story short: Lions represent the 'spirit' in the old Chinese art. They are very peaceful creatures in Chinese folklore, representing strength, nobility, courage and dignity. Traditionally they are used to frighten bad demons away from new businesses, bringing good luck and money (what else could they bring...).
Since these lions are sleeping, they have to be awaken. To do this they paint their eyes. This is called the 'Eye-dotting ceremony'.

After the opening ceremony we had a very quick factory tour than we went out for lunch. Yes, Chinese of course, which was ok, I think but you know, I'm the kind of guy that chooses sausages with mustard over lobster, so...
But this time I had no choice...

Anyway I still think that Hungarian kitchen is a lot more diversified.

1 megjegyzés:

Norb írta...

a magyarok csak csirket es disznot esznek, de azt jo sokfjata modon el tudjak kesziteni szerencsere :)
nem ugy mint Belgiumban :(((