Arra lennék kíváncsi csak, hogy otthon meddig nézne ki egy ilyen park és játszótér a mi fene nagy kulturáltságunk mellett...
After lunch and afternoon café we walked around the Café Vienna area. We found a nice park also here combined with a playground where all the equipments were designed so they would move many of your muscles. It was very nice to see that some elderly people were also there doing exercises.
I was wondering how long would a park and playground last back in Hungary with our great social behaviour...
Bejárat / Entrance
Belül / Inside
Virágok / Flowers
Kavicsjárda / Stonewalk
Bonsai / Bonsai
Kicsi fák / Little trees
Kutyakő / Dog-rock
Én meg a bokrok / Me and the bushes
Piroska gyakorlatozik / Piroska exercising
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