Viszont ez a közeli szupermarket, a Super Brand Mall, ahol a Lotus is van többek között, szerencsére nem ilyen, itt szinte mindent meg lehet találni.
We went out shopping to the supermarket close to us on Monday. There are more supermarkets nearby, but they are little bit different here: it is not so you go to one and buy everything, because in one mall they usually have only the same things, for example you can go to the PC Mall and have hundreds of PC traders, suppliers and accessory shops, but nothing else. Or you can go to the book street to buy books - you will not really find bookstores anywhere else. But this supermarket we went to is different. Its name is the Super Brand Mall (Lotus is here also) and you can get almost everything. Here are some pictures, we'll make some more later.
Még itt is lehet kártyával fizetni / They also accept card here
Ki mondta, hogy a WestEnd nagy? / Who said the WestEnd is big?
Végre lesz Burger King is Pudongon / Finally we'll have Burger King also in Pudong
Mekkora játék! / What a big toy!
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